Why I Prefer Texting My Uber & Lyft Passengers Instead Of Calling

Rideshare Guy here, and today I have a video all about the big texting versus calling debate among drivers. Now, I am not talking about texting your wife or texting your girlfriend. We are talking about Uber, Lyft passengers here. One of the things that I always recommend to new drivers is take a ride as a passenger. The reason why I recommend that is because you are going to learn a lot. You will see what good drivers do well and you will see what bad drivers do poorly.

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What Is The Maximum Distance Of a Trip On Uber or Lyft?

To answer this question, I recorded a video called “What is the Maximum Distance of a Trip on Uber and Lyft?” that I’d like to share with you. As drivers, we all like to show off our longest trips. We like to post things like, “Hey, I got this huge surge trip. I got this huge, long trip from LA to San Diego.” Everyone likes to post their screenshots on Facebook groups, on my Facebook page, and everything. It is kind of a badge of honor.

But there are couple of things you need to watch out for. I started to think about this a while back with Uber, what is the limit? Is there any limit? Can you do a trip from LA to New York? What if your passenger wants to go that far? Should you do it? Should you accept it? Because obviously you don’t want to get stuck out in the middle of nowhere and have your trip end.

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