How to Create a Plan B as a Rideshare Driver [Jay Presents]

Jay Cradeur with the Rideshare Guy is going to share with you two strategies in order to have a Plan B, a backup plan. Stick around, because at the end of the video, I’m going to share with you an exciting development in the creation of my own Plan B.

Take a look at Jay’s video, then scroll to the video transcript below to see the points he covers.

What can drivers do when things go wrong?

I don’t know if you heard, but I was deactivated by Uber on December 6th and went through a difficult process to get reactivated. If I didn’t have a Plan B, I would not be making any money. So let’s talk about the two strategies for having a Plan B.

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Sign up for multiple services

If you just drive for Uber, sign up for Lyft. If you’re already with Lyft, then sign up for Uber. You need to have that backup because, look, I can’t drive for Uber right now. Thank God I’ve got Lyft, and I’ve been able to drive full time for Lyft, and I haven’t shown too much of a loss of income. I certainly have had some, but if you are in a market where you have both and you’re only signed up for one, go for it.

In San Francisco, they offer a bonus of $600 if you just do 100 trips just for signing up with Uber, and with Lyft, you’ve got to do 350 rides and you can get a $600 bonus. There’s money to be made signing up for the other service.

And if you don’t want to sign up for both Uber and Lyft, there’s also companies where you can deliver food like Caviar, like Postmates, like Door Dash, like Uber Eats. In San Francisco, we’ve got a service called InstaCart, where people shop inside of grocery stores, and then they deliver food to people who order the food. You could be a driver for InstaCart.

We have a service called Eaze, which you can deliver marijuana to people who want it delivered to their door. There are lots of driving options, so check out what you can sign up for, and sign up so you have those backups.

Create your own business

With Uber and Lyft, you’re a driver, and you have your own schedule, right? You can drive sometimes, and then you can work on something else another part of the time. You can be creating a new business, which really is in your future. So I’m going to go over four little steps that you can take to begin the process of creating your own business.

Get a clear vision about your business

Step number one is get really clear about your vision, about what you want. Never in the history of mankind has it been easier to start a business. The internet has been the quintessential game changer. The barriers to entry have never been smaller. If you have something that you can do, that you can present, you can do it through the internet, through a website, easier than ever before.

But what’s really important, very important that you do, and I recommend this because I’ve coached over 5,000 people is you’ve got to get your vision really clear. Really clear. What do you want? What does it look like, smell like, taste like, feel like? So, in my case, I envision myself somewhere in Africa. I’m getting ready to go on a safari. I’m waking up early in the morning. I’m typing on my computer because I’m a writer, and I can smell Africa, and I can put my feet in the red earth. You want to have it like that. Really tangible. What is it you see yourself doing, and what does it look, feel, taste, and smell like? So that’s the first one. Get a very, very clear vision of what you want.

Analyze your competition

Step number two is dive in head first into your competition. You want to find out who is out there in the world doing exactly what you want to do. You need to learn your arena, whatever the area of interest is that you want to pursue. In my case, it’s being a coach, and, in my case, it’s creating online courses. In my case, it’s writing. What I recommend you do is find those people that are doing what you want to do and sign up so you can get their information. Sign up for their blog. Sign up for their podcast. If they do webinars, sign up for their webinars. Get on their mailing list. You can study their email lists. How they communicate with people that are on their lists.

Create a plan

Step number three is create a plan. You need to figure out what you need. Do you need a website? Do you need some special equipment? Do you need some additional training? And then what you want to do is lay those things out, and what’s very important is that you give each of those things a deadline, a specific date by which you’re going to accomplish those because, otherwise, just writing down what you want is just wishful thinking, but when you put a deadline to it, at that point it becomes very real.

Take action!

Now, the fourth and final step is take action. Have you heard the phrase “Massive action leads to massive results?” This is the point where people generally stop. Fear starts messing with your head. You start asking yourself questions like, “Can I really do this?” Other people are doing it so much better than me. How can I possibly compete? You really need to just take action, just get myopia. That means you’re just focused on one thing. Put blinders on. Just move forward towards your goal. That’s the only way you’re going to be able to accomplish what you want to accomplish. If other people can do it, why not you? What one man can do another can do. So, take action. That is the final step, and that’s the hardest step of all.

My own Plan B: My book!

Great. So I promised you I’d share with you some pretty cool development with my own Plan B. Here it is. So, what you’re looking at right now is the cover to my new book. I’m not sure if this is the final cover, but it’s the cover I currently have. One of the strategies I teach is how to delegate. I use a website called Fiverr, and hired someone for ten dollars to create this cover to my book. The rough draft is written, so I’ve still got some editing to do, but that’s the new development. I’ve got a pretty cool looking book cover.

Just so you know, let me show you the book cover again. The top part of the book cover, what you see there in that picture, is a temple. It’s an entrance to a temple called Doi Suthep, which is in Chiang Mai, Thailand. This is a city I love. I lived in it for over a year, and this temple sits on top of a hill, really more of a mountain, and it’s really, really gorgeous. Beautiful views up there. So that’s why that’s the picture on the cover of my book.

Diversify your rideshare income, and create a new business

Today I shared with you two strategies. One is very important, which is to give you peace of mind, which is to have a backup source of revenue through the gig economy, through rideshare driving, through driving for food companies, for delivery companies, or for Lyft and Uber. The second strategy is to create your own business, and I gave you a flavor of that, and I hope that helps you out.

This is Jay Cradeur with the Rideshare Guy. If you like this video, go like it. If you’ve got some ideas you want to share, comment. And, by all means, sign up for Harry’s YouTube Channel, the Rideshare Guy YouTube Channel. It’ll keep you totally in contact and on top of all the changes that are happening in the rideshare industry.


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