How Drivers Can Earn More With Freebird (Freebird Promo Code Inside)

Freebird is a cashback app for Uber and Lyft passengers. All passengers have to do is download the app, link their Uber or Lyft account, and then they get cash and points back every time they request a Lyft or Uber ride using the Freebird app.

For drivers, Freebird also has a great referral program where you can earn $5 for every passenger that you refer. All they have to do is download the app and take their first ride. It’s that simple.

Today we’ll walk you through the signup process and discuss how you can start making money referring your passengers to Freebird.

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The Freebird Signup Process

First thing you want to do is download the Freebird app . This is what it’ll look like the first time you open the app. It’ll ask you if you want to enable your location. We’ll skip that and go to the next step.

Here’s where you’ll connect your Uber and/or Lyft accounts to the Freebird app. I’m going to connect my Lyft account. We’ll log into Lyft, accept, you’ll have to enter your email to confirm your account. It will also ask you for your birth date.

Important promo code details

When we first sign up though, we’re going to want to add the promo code, RSG, for the Rideshare Guy. Successfully added. When passengers sign up, they will enter your personal promo code, so you can earn the $5 after they give their first ride.

To find your own personal referral code, select the ‘invite and get cash’ menu option. Then it will display your own personal referral code. You’ll select the invite friends button in order to get the customized message that Freebird has created so you can refer people.

Shortcuts to send your referral info to your passengers

What I personally did was create a standard text message for this message. I also use a cool app called Shortcuts on the iPhone and basically what you can do is create these shortcuts that perform automatic actions. So when I press this Freebird button, it will automatically send my personalized message to my Lyft passenger. You can see here’s the personalized message that I created. I just added some spaces there, made it easier just to see that download link as well as my promo code.

We’ve also created some free marketing materials. What I’ve personally done so far is just used the back of seat ad. But there’s also plenty of other materials like business cards that you can use.

How to explain Freebird to passengers

When you refer passengers, you want to explain to them what the Freebird app is. You’ll just want to tell them that it’s a free way to get rewarded for taking Uber and Lyft rides. If they’re already using Lyft or Uber, then why not earn cash and points in that process? You’ll also want to let them know that they’ll get two free $5 credits added to their account when they sign up using your unique invite code.

Passengers request rides directly from the Freebird app. So these cash back offers are really cool. If they decide to go to these specific locations, like say this Great Dragon location, they’ll get $4 cash back for going to that specific location. We’ll go through a quick example of requesting a ride. Confirm Lyft, confirm pickup, go over to the Lyft app, we can see that the Freebird app initiated a ride requests through the Lyft app.

Tracking your cash rewards

Once you start referring passengers, you’ll be able to track your cash rewards in the Freebird app. What we’ll do is we’ll select that bottom middle star icon with the 500 underneath it. You can see so far I’ve earned 500 points, but I’ve also earned $5.

You can see here I have the two referral bonuses pending from when I entered the RSG code when I first signed up for Freebird. I also got 500 points when I linked my Lyft account to Freebird and in my first week of driving with Freebird, I referred two passengers. You can see my first passenger, Emma, still has not taken a ride with Freebird yet, but this other passenger, Abby has taken a ride with Freebird. So that’s where if we toggle over to the cash area, you can see I’ve earned $5 because she took her first Freebird ride.

Might as well cash that out. All right, I’m cashing out for the first time so I’m going to have to add a debit card. At the top, you can see that message that the transfer was successfully initiated and the funds will be available in about three to five days.

Freebird is another way for drivers to earn some extra income while driving ride share. So have any of you been using Freebird already? How has it been? What percentage of passengers have you been able to sign up? How much have you earned? Leave a comment below and let us know. Thanks again for watching and reading!

Want to try Freebird? Sign up with our link

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